Companies Act, 2013 (Regulatory)
- Fresh / Further Issue of Shares for private / closely held companies
- Issue of Sweat Equity Shares
- Non-cash transactions with Directors for acquiring assets from the company
- Scheme of Corporate Debt Restructuring
- Mergers & Amalgamations or Demerger
- Exit of dissenting shareholder of transferor company
- Purchase of Minority Shareholding
- Submission of Report by Company Liquidator
Income Tax Act, 1961(Regulatory)
- Transfer of Shares (Income from Other Sources)
- Transfer of Shares (Capital Gain)
Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) (Regulatory)
- Issue of shares by an Indian Company or transfer from a resident to non-resident. (price should not be less than valuation)
- Transfer from a non-resident to resident. (price should not be more than valuation)
- Partial / Full Acquisition of an existing Foreign Company.
Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016(Regulatory)
- Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Person (CIRP)
- Voluntary Liquidation Process
- Start-up Valuation
- Dispute Resolution
- Succession Planning
- Voluntary Assessment
- Exit / Retirement of partner / director and assigning value to Securities &/or Financial Assets.
- Intangibles